

Today I needed was a balance... :)

Do you have these days, that everything at your office must be perfect, everything in place, well everything...but it must fit by colors, styles....even board notes... this is a day when i need to eat something which will calm me down...

Bloody Cream with Basil

Very Easy, Very Fast, Devilishly Delicious

1 large can of tomatoes
fresh basil
1 small spoon of olive oil 
pinch of salt
freshly ground pepper
fresh chili

Canned tomatoes boil for about 5 minutes. Let stand, throw in basil, a teaspoon of oil, salt and pepper and a small clove of garlic and halt fresh chili. The whole blend into a fine mass.
Prepared cream, pour into small cups, sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese and cover the quilt with basil.
The smell of basil and garlic dissipates all over your house. Yum ...

At the end on the top you can sprinkle a few drops of olive oil.



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